우리·하나은행 DLF 불완전판매한 1천여명에 배상 시작

해외금리 연계 파생결합펀드(DLF) 사태와 관련해 은행과 경영진의 징계 수위를 정하는 금융당국의 절차를 하루... [2020-01-15 17:41]
강경화 “남북이 먼저 나갈 수도”…북미관계 견인 의지 재확인

북-미 대화의 교착 국면이 계속되는 가운데 강경화 외교부 장관이 “특정 시점에서는 남북이 먼저 나갈 수도... [2020-01-15 17:39]
[Photo] Ulleung Island to build runway for smaller planes by 2025

Ulleung County, North Gyeongsang Province, has announced its plans to build a runway that could accommodate smaller airplanes, between 140 and... [2020-01-15 17:39]
S. Korean firm to request arbitration in investor-state dispute with US government

A mid-sized South Korean company is preparing to request arbitration to settle an investor-state dispute with the US government, which it argues... [2020-01-15 17:37]
‘귀화 선수’ 라건아의 토로… “매일 인종차별 메시지 받아”

“매일 인종차별 메시지를 받는다.”귀화 프로농구 선수로 한국 국가대표이기도 한 라건아(31·전주 KCC)가 14일... [2020-01-15 17:36]
Samsung to acquire US telecommunications firm TeleWorld Solutions

Samsung Electronics announced on Jan. 14 that it will acquire TeleWorld Solutions, an American company that specializes in designing and optimizing... [2020-01-15 17:34]
정부, ‘이산가족 방북+개별관광’ 추진…북 비자 발급이 관건

문재인 대통령이 14일 새해 기자회견에서 남북관계 진전 의지를 밝히면서 북한행 ‘개별 관광’을 화두로... [2020-01-15 17:34]
Park Won-soon proposes two Korea and US suspend all military exercises until 2022 Beijing Olympics

Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon, who is currently touring the US, proposed that South Korea, the US, and North Korea should temporarily suspend hostile... [2020-01-15 17:32]
Moon emphasizes “practical solution” regarding deployment of S. Korean troops to Strait of Hormuz

When asked during his New Year’s press conference on Jan. 14 about the proposed deployment of military forces to the Strait of Hormuz, South... [2020-01-15 17:30]
Forced labor victims and their families embark on another class action suit against Japanese companies

Survivors and family members of victims of forced labor mobilization under imperial Japan living in Gwangju and South Jeolla Province area are... [2020-01-15 17:27]
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